Just returned from my first Drupalcon ever. It was held in fabulous New Orleans where the temps were in the 70s and 80s. Then I came back to Wisconsin where the temps are 40s and 50s, brrr.
Here is a quick run down on the tech I learned about, I have so much to dig into and learn!
Drupal 8:
Quick rundown for Drupal 8 -Kickstart Video
Drupal 8 Kickstart Session Video
- Symfony – Drupal 8 is now using the Sf PHP library.
- Twig Templating – Designers (Templates) – Developers (api)
- Composer – a Package Manager for PHP, uses JSON.
- helps find what you need and installs it, and any missing dependencies.
- can download and keep current all software with 2 commands.
- Using Composer to install Drupal/modules.
- Drush
- Industry Standard best practice CLI tool
- Does things 3x-10x faster than thru working through admin web.
- Requires PHP 5.5+ for current version 9, 5.3.0 for Drush 7
- Drupal Console
- New command line interface tool for Drupal
- Creates boilerplate files for modules/themes
- install into every website or globally.
- ‘make a blank module scaffold, do some admin tasks’
- stands for ‘YAML Aint Markup Language’
- new drupal config file format – for default settings
- .info becomes .info.yml
Dev Ops -Workflow, Automation and Performance Tuning.
- Vagrant – builds complete virtual dev environments, share them
- ZivTech VM – https://github.com/zivtech/vagrant-development-vm
- Charging Hawk Lightweight VM https://github.com/charginghawk/vagrant
- Drupal VM http://www.drupalvm.com/
- Testing & Automation
- Caching
My overall takeaways:
We need to get our workflow in order, and we have so much to dive into for 8. Lots of the optimization will help our Drupal 7 installs as well.
I’d really like to get some common/version controlled local environments setup, like with Vagrant, so we can all be using the same local, and keep that under version control.
Standardize! Automate! Version!
Also published on Medium.
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