Ah, end of semester is drawing near, and I’ve got a conference and an apartment relocation going on all in the last 2 weeks! eek! ok. Full speed ahead on this.
I copied the todo list from the previous log, and have crossed things out that I’m just don’t have time for now.
This with an X mean I’ve started and/or finished an item. Today’s work specifically meant struggling with Xcode and auto-layout.
Designers have sent me some UI assets, still waiting on level pieces for the actual maze. Working with what I have lying around.
- X get hero graphics in,
- animating properly.
Parse Json mazesfigure out how to parse image names in with the tmx file (maybe)- X Establish tile grid sizes – 70 x 70 or aspect 1:1
- Create new sks mazes – working on this
- X Start menu l
- X Play button goes to first game level
- X
pauseSettings scene – options don’t do anything yet. - X Credits scene – need to add links
may need to revisit this idea this summercrop/maskexplore scenekit for enemies.
- find bandura/mandolin/string sounds/chords for up/down/left/right audio – a friend has offered to synth some things for me.
- tweak background music.
explore using SKaudio with UDLR sounds to help you know if youare near/far from goal.need hero movement sounds. perhaps some ambient ruins/castlesounds. Things sound stark.
it’s progress, right?
Also published on Medium.
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