Hey, Sublime Text 3 has a new build version out! #3103 /kermit arms.
That makes this the perfect time to talk about my favorite customizations for it – Packages!
Sublime packages are a little like after market mods for your car. Or plugins. Either way they improve the usability and can do things like change the color of the interface or check your code for you.
First: Start off with the package installer, called Package Control. https://packagecontrol.io/installation
Here are a few useful packages I have installed:
- BracketHighlighter
- Colorsublime
- Git – lets you do regular git stuff
- GitGutter – shows you where things are different in the gutter
- Package Syncing – syncs package settings to Google Drive, Dropbox or iCloud, so you can have your settings the same across devices.
- SideBarEnhancements
- SublimeCodeIntel
- SublimeLinter
- Swift
Do you have any packages that you’d recommend?
Also published on Medium.
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