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Tag: pro iOS class

iOS Project Log 12

Things are coming together.

Fixed a lot of auto layout issues, added a true type font to the app bundleStruggled with the scene builder quite a bit. it lacks precision tools, so I’m trying continue to create things in Tiled.

Started to add SKTileMap to my project, which will read both the objects/boundaries i place in Tiled, but also send the graphic information in the JSON export.



Tollway Towers Main Menu
Tollway Towers Main Menu


Tollway Towers Settings
Tollway Towers Settings


Tollway Towers Credits
Tollway Towers Credits

iOS Project Log 11

Ah, end of semester is drawing near, and I’ve got a conference and an apartment relocation going on all in the last 2 weeks! eek! ok. Full speed ahead on this.

I copied the todo list from the previous log, and have crossed things out that I’m just don’t have time for now.

This with an X mean I’ve started and/or finished an item. Today’s work specifically meant struggling with Xcode and auto-layout.


Designers have sent me some UI assets, still waiting on level pieces for the actual maze. Working with what I have lying around.


  • X get hero graphics in,
  • animating properly.


  • Parse Json mazes
  • figure out how to parse image names in with the tmx file (maybe)
  • X Establish tile grid sizes – 70 x 70 or aspect 1:1
  • Create new sks mazes – working on this


  • X Start menu l
  • X Play button goes to first game level
  • X pauseSettings  scene – options don’t do anything yet.
  • X Credits scene – need to add links


  • may need to revisit this idea this summer
  • crop/mask
  • explore scenekit for enemies.


  • find bandura/mandolin/string sounds/chords for up/down/left/right audio – a friend has offered to synth some things for me.
  • tweak background music.
  • explore using SKaudio with UDLR sounds to help you know if you
  • are near/far from goal.
  • need hero movement sounds. perhaps some ambient ruins/castle sounds. Things sound stark.


it’s progress, right?

Brief Intro to Tile Maps, Spritesheets and Atlases


As part of our class this semester, we each gave a brief talk about an iOS related topic. Teacher Eric recorded the presentation, and gave us the videos. There was no expectation of sharing the talk with anyone else.

However, YouTube makes it far too easy to share things, so… here is the vid.  I’ve been playing video games since childhood and web developing for most of my career, I thought that was unique enough perspective to give a talk on.

PDF of talk

I found a typo while giving the talk, I’ll leave that in for you to enjoy as well.

Here are the links from the resource page.



iOS Project Log 10

Ok, things are speeding up, Not sure If I mentioned that I finished the tutorial a few weeks back. I’ve since added code that add sounds for each direction swiped. The program also will play those sounds if your hero hits a wall, telling you which way you can go.

Artists are buzzing, send over new concepts and ideas. We’re meeting soon to go over things.

So much left to do, much of which is just up to me to work through, some of which may be prioritized differently day to day and depending on which assets i receive/need/have to make. :

  • Hero
    •  get hero graphics in,
    •  animating properly.
  • Parse Json mazes
    • figure out how to parse image names in with the tmx file (maybe)
    • establish tile grid sizes
  • or Create new sks mazes
  • Menus
    • start menu loading first
      •      get play button going to first game scene
    • pause overlay or scene
    • Credits scene
  • Illusions? may need to revisit this idea this summer
    • crop/mask
    • explore scenekit for enemies.
  • Sound
    • find bandura/mandolin/string sounds/chords for up/down/left/right audio
      • right now i have a computer voice just saying the direction.
    • tweak background music.
    • explore using SKaudio with UDLR sounds to help you know if you are near/far from goal.
    • need hero movement sounds. perhaps some ambient ruins/castle sounds. Things sound stark.

iOS Project Log 9


Did a lot of research on how to mask out my illusion layer for the game. Still coming up with questionmarks.


Researched a way to quickly throw a repeating texture at things. Not something you get for free with SpriteKit. I’ve been advised to look at Scenekit for a solution.


I started stubbing in some basic screens/scenes using either quick random layouts or using assets from  My hope is that by showing my artists what I’m looking for they’ll be able to get up to speed and either modify or recreate some tiles in our style.

Pasted image at 2016_04_04 10_41 AM.png


Pasted image at 2016_04_09 01_34 PM.png


Shared a link explaining the basics of  how to make tile sprites for games.


Fashion reference